What I liked best about working with you:
You epitomize this quote from Linus Pauling: the best way to have a good idea is to have a lot of ideas.
Your professional demeanor
Your institutional memory (a la OLA's Board)
Your passion for bringing basic library service to all Oregonians
Your vision for what Oregon libraries can become.
It is hard to put a value on your contributions to Oregon Libraries but if we could, none of us would have a funding problem!
It has been an honor to know you and work with you in OLA, the Statewide Database Licensing Program, and the LSTA program. You have had a role in helping so many Oregon libraries be successful in reaching their mission. I thank you for that on behalf of Oregon State University Libraries.
Finally, you may have retired from the State Library but that doesn't mean you have really retired. I am looking forward to working with you on the Editorial Board of OSU Press.
Kudos, Jim.
Best wishes,
Best wishes,
Thank you Faye. I hadn't heard that Linus Pauling quote. Thanks for that. I guess it fits. And thanks to OSU libraries for stepping up and being a partner with the Oregon State Library to help us improve library services statewide. It's been my great pleasure to work with you and your two outstanding predecessors, Mel George and Karyle Butcher. Mel should always be remembered as the person who was most responsible for bringing ACRL Oregon Chapter into OLA.
ReplyDeleteThanks for appointing me to the OSU Press Editorial Board. I am really looking forward to that. I remember when OSU Press was on the ropes a number of years ago and Peter Sears arranged a meeting for me and others to meet with President Byrne to try to save it. It worked! Of course the best move was to put the press under the leadership of Karyle Butcher and OSU Libraries. Tom Booth does a wonderful job too.
Thanks again Faye and I will see you soon.