Jim didn't want a traditional retirement party. "Too many greenhouse gas emissions, not to mention unwanted calories," he said. So instead we are having a Virtual Retirement Party - carbon neutral and heart healthy!

To celebrate, Jim wants all his colleagues and associates to post a good wish, photo or a memory to this blog. You can even ask Jim a question. Jim will reply to every post! (Jim will be the only person able to comment on messages after they are posted).

And while you're at it, Jim hopes you will consider a donation in his honor to his favorite charity, our own Talking Book and Braille Services.

Please submit your message before Jim retires on December 30, 2011. Include your name at the end of your message.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

All the best in your retirement...with thanks!


When I came to Oregon in 2003, I was told by a highly revered colleague of ours that I was moving to a state with a great state librarian—you. After having the chance to work with you, I couldn’t agree more. Thank you for being a wonderful colleague and library leader not just for Oregon but also through your professional work on the national level with COSLA and ALA.

My admiration for your contributions to advancing libraries of all types is deep and wide. I found your way of supporting libraries and library workers in the state to be always positive, helpful, and useful. All of us could count on you for support. Throughout my tenure at Multnomah County Library, I valued your advice and recommendations on so many different issues. Your approach for using LSTA funds to develop model services at a local level that could then be replicated statewide was brilliant and visionary. Oregon communities all across the state shared the good fortune enabled through your approach.

Congratulations on your retirement. Many people have trouble making that transition, but I know you will plunge into your new life with the same vigor you had for your work as Oregon State Librarian. I look forward to having more leisurely lunches with you in the future, when neither of us has to rush off to a next meeting. May you have many long and happy years ahead of you!

With deep gratitude,

--Molly Raphael
2011-12 President,
American Library Association

(Retired) Director, Multnomah County Library

1 comment:

  1. Dear Molly: It was a great day in 2003 when you came to Oregon to continue a tradition of outstanding leadership at the Multnomah County Library (one that continues today). You were wonderful to work with. I so admire your willingness to serve as President of ALA in your retirement. I hope that has been a thrilling experience for you. I still have my "Molly for President" lapel sticker. I can't throw it away! I do hope when both of us have more time on our hands that we can get together. In the meantime, keep up the good work for ALA!


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