Jim didn't want a traditional retirement party. "Too many greenhouse gas emissions, not to mention unwanted calories," he said. So instead we are having a Virtual Retirement Party - carbon neutral and heart healthy!

To celebrate, Jim wants all his colleagues and associates to post a good wish, photo or a memory to this blog. You can even ask Jim a question. Jim will reply to every post! (Jim will be the only person able to comment on messages after they are posted).

And while you're at it, Jim hopes you will consider a donation in his honor to his favorite charity, our own Talking Book and Braille Services.

Please submit your message before Jim retires on December 30, 2011. Include your name at the end of your message.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Enjoy your retirement, Jim!

Your virtual retirement party seems very appropriate for a man of ideas. In fact, the reason you have so many wonderful, heartfelt posts is reflected in your personal and thoughtful comments to each and every person. This says volumes (pun intended) about who you are and why everyone is so sad to see you retire. You are the guy in Salem who takes the time to know people everywhere, help communities of all sizes, share your knowledge freely, and maybe most importantly, have fun along the way. I’ve enjoyed reading people’s tales of all the crazy things you’ve done with your colleagues over the years!

Though I’m not a library professional, I do remember all the wise counsel you provided the Heritage Commission when I served on (and temporarily ran) it for those few years. And now, as a member of the Government Research Services Advisory Council, I thought “Oh goody! I get to see Jim Scheppke again,” and you had to up and retire. At least I won’t have to sit next to a jittering leg in meetings with you anymore. J

Jim, I wish you nothing but the best, and I know you won’t stay idle. I look forward to seeing lots more videos on Facebook of your antics with your wonderful kids (thanks to Ann for posting them!), and I hope to see you walking around Salem, as I know you’ll continue to do. Best of luck to you – you will be very much missed in the halls of state government, though we all know Robert will do a superb job.

Julie Curtis | Communications Manager

Oregon Department of State Lands

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much Julie. You have been a great friend and colleague and one-time neighbor. I hope to see more of you in the future and maybe we can work together on something to make Salem a better place. Thanks for your service on the Government Research Services Advisory Council.

    Yes, watch for more videos. My kids are a bunch of hams.


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