I will always remember the whole-hearted support that you have given Emporia's MLS program – right from its beginning in Oregon in 1994. As the State Librarian, you spoke at *every* graduation ceremony. Two presentations in particular stick in my mind.
In 2002 you spoke of the connection between Kansas and Oregon through poet, William Stafford. Ahead of time you checked the online library catalog at Emporia State University to see which of his poetry collections were not held by the library. You bought one of these books and presented it during the ceremony to the president of ESU for their library. It was such a thoughtful and meaningful gesture.
Then in 2010 you were the featured commencement speaker at the graduation for the Oregon 9 cohort. Everyone in attendance agreed that you hit the ball right out of the park with your speech! The eloquence and insights were truly inspiring.
You will always have a standing invitation to attend our graduation ceremonies - - but we will understand if retirement gets in the way. :-) Your presence will be missed, but your legacy will remain with us.
Warmest regards,
Perri Parise,
Director, Oregon Distance Education Program, Emporia State University, School of Library & Information Management
Thanks so much Peri. In my reply to the previous post to Michele Norris at the iSchool, I mention the "renaissance of library education in the Pacific NW." I was referring, of course, not just to the iSchool but also to our wonderful Oregon Emporia SLIM program which also offers a great library education to Oregon students. You, more than anyone, have contributed to that success. I will always be grateful to you for your fine work and dedication to your students. Don't be surprised if I do show up at graduation some day. It's always a great experience. Keep it up Peri!