Jim didn't want a traditional retirement party. "Too many greenhouse gas emissions, not to mention unwanted calories," he said. So instead we are having a Virtual Retirement Party - carbon neutral and heart healthy!

To celebrate, Jim wants all his colleagues and associates to post a good wish, photo or a memory to this blog. You can even ask Jim a question. Jim will reply to every post! (Jim will be the only person able to comment on messages after they are posted).

And while you're at it, Jim hopes you will consider a donation in his honor to his favorite charity, our own Talking Book and Braille Services.

Please submit your message before Jim retires on December 30, 2011. Include your name at the end of your message.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

The best kind of leadership.

Jim, congratulations on your retirement.

I had not been in Oregon long, maybe a year, when we passed each other in a hallway at an OLA Conference. "Hi Tony" you said as you walked by. I'll admit it- I was tickled that the State Librarian knew who I was. That made me feel good about me. Only later was I to learn that you know almost all of us by name. That made me feel good about you.

You've been a terrific leader, taking a stand when necessary while retaining your inherent kindness. You've kept your eyes on the prize of supporting libraries, and you've supported them all. Oregon is better for it. I loved your support of children's reading. I loved the way you opened a meeting with the statewide periodical database vendor by reading the relevant passage of Oregon Law, and softly stating "At this moment, I cannot say we are in compliance." That made them sit up straight!

I've enjoyed the 'PS From the State Librarian' comments in Letters to Libraries Online, and I have always read your Christmas list. I can't think of a year where I didn't go on to read at least one of your suggestions. Keep doing that, would you?

And now that you are soon to be free of official duties, that reading list can include Hot-Rod magazines. Wear your seatbelt, Texan.

Tony Greiner, Librarian, Portland Community College

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much Tony. You have always been a favorite of mine for your fierce intelligence and outspokenness. Thanks for your leadership on the Statewide Database Licensing Committee. I'd love to see you get more involved with OLA. You'd make a great President of OLA someday. I hope our paths will cross in the future.

    PS: the last reading list will be out Dec. 1!


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