Jim didn't want a traditional retirement party. "Too many greenhouse gas emissions, not to mention unwanted calories," he said. So instead we are having a Virtual Retirement Party - carbon neutral and heart healthy!

To celebrate, Jim wants all his colleagues and associates to post a good wish, photo or a memory to this blog. You can even ask Jim a question. Jim will reply to every post! (Jim will be the only person able to comment on messages after they are posted).

And while you're at it, Jim hopes you will consider a donation in his honor to his favorite charity, our own Talking Book and Braille Services.

Please submit your message before Jim retires on December 30, 2011. Include your name at the end of your message.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Oregon Tribes Thank You!


I will always remember coming back from a tribal conference in the southwest excited to locate and meet the Oregon State Librarian Jim Scheppke. I had just learned from that recent conference experience that the tribes in the southwest had partnered with their State Librarians to secure a Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation grant that provided public access computers to all tribal library’s. I thought, well, if they could do that surely we could too!

When I finally met you and asked about this potential partnership I was sadly disappointed to hear that your legislative mandate did not include tribal library’s. WHAT, me must be kidding I thought?!? When in reality what I was thinking was really more colorful and descriptive as I’m sure you know! And as you also now know, I am not one to be dissuaded easily.

Now in looking back over the years since that time we accomplished many things for the Tribes. Together in partnership and on behalf of the tribes we amended House Bill 2674 to recognize Tribal Public Libraries. Hosted a series of meetings which culminated into the Oregon Collaborative Conference which ultimately became a model project for the Institute of Museum and Library Services. And then proceeded on to co-host a National Conference for Tribal Archives, Libraries & Museums.

Thank you Jim, for allowing the State Library and your dedicated staff under your leadership to explored the possibilities with the nine Tribes of Oregon! And of course, congratulations on your retirement.

--Malissa Minthorn Winks
Collections & Research Manager
รกstslikt Cultural Institute
Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation

1 comment:

  1. Oh Malissa, I'm so glad you came to my party. You were the one who opened my eyes to the importance of our tribal libraries. As you note in your post, I was pretty set on the fact that since tribes got their own funding directly from LSCA, they didn't need anything from state libraries. Was I wrong, and you were the one to show me the light. Now we have a great partnership going with the nine tribes of Oregon. I hope we can expand it in the years ahead. The National Conference that you and MaryKay put on in Portland was a highlight of my career. Thank you so much for all you have done for me, and please keep up the good work. I'll drop in when I am in your neighborhood and I hope to see you!


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