Jim didn't want a traditional retirement party. "Too many greenhouse gas emissions, not to mention unwanted calories," he said. So instead we are having a Virtual Retirement Party - carbon neutral and heart healthy!

To celebrate, Jim wants all his colleagues and associates to post a good wish, photo or a memory to this blog. You can even ask Jim a question. Jim will reply to every post! (Jim will be the only person able to comment on messages after they are posted).

And while you're at it, Jim hopes you will consider a donation in his honor to his favorite charity, our own Talking Book and Braille Services.

Please submit your message before Jim retires on December 30, 2011. Include your name at the end of your message.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Hi Jim,

I want to thank you personally for all you have done for Oregon School Libraries. Without you as our champion I feel certain that there would be far less focus on the good work done by school library folks around the state. You have kept records, tracked legislation, attended innumerable OEMA/OASL meetings and been a solid voice for many years.

I also want to thank you for the opportunity to work at the State Library. It was by far the most fulfilling job I had in my career. I still miss the “team” but am having lunch with them before Thanksgiving to catch up!

I hope you will find yourself way too busy as I have doing new and exciting things for yourself and your community. I have become very involved in both master gardeners and garden club activities at the local and state levels. AND I find myself learning so much about an area that I had no time to develop when I was employed. I know you’ll have similar opportunities with all of your skills and interests!

Take care, enjoy your family time and the freedom to have more choices about your time.

Patty Sorensen

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much Patty. You were a wonderful school library consultant for us. I am happy to hear that you are enjoying your retirement. Gardening is also a hobby of mine (veggies). You inspire me to deepen my knowledge in my retirement. Come by and say hello when you are at OSL.


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